Although I doubt any one of you would come to read this, let alone update this, I would like to leave one last post here for all of you while I'm still in Singapore.
Rumours come and go. Problems come and go. Troubles come and go. But unhappiness will tend to stick to you if you don't learn to let go.
I understand that many of you are having troubles in band and have a hard time keeping up with your studies as well. Hence, giving homework excuses to make up the lack of dedication in band pop up ubiquitously amongst you all.
True band members don't use such excuses. Perhaps sometimes you do think that way because your family members are giving you headaches as well from constant nagging. However, you must learn and know that BAND is not a distraction from schoolwork. It's a form of personal character development. You're all smart enough to understand what that means.
In any case, to me, I can never let go of band.
I have been in band more than half my life and I'd never let my passion go even though I'm not even in a band right now.
So to everyone - let Band become a Motivation, a Space for your passion and dreams to come true, a Place where you can call your 3rd home.
To Li Hua.
Please do not give up.
No matter what problems you encounter, you must be strong enough to overcome them and I know you can do so. You have all the makings of a leader so don't let be traumatized by situations with teachers and other leaders. A leader will know how to deal with them and also win respect from the members. And know that I'm always here to help if necessary. Do your best.
To the rest of the Sec3s.
Secondary 3 life is an arduous journey to Secondary 4, that's without a doubt. I've been through it and yes, the piles of homework but I have never let my homework problems cross my dreams of having band success in whatever events there are, one of the prominent ones of which was CHEER. Help each other. Support each other. Do your homework together and study together. Don't suffer by yourself in silence or else, hidden hostility might develop unwittingly and make everyone around you unhappy as well. Good luck and help your juniors.
To the 'Wu Bao Tai'.
Although I have never recognized you all as this labelled name, you're still the bunch of Sec1s I have been close to in Band last year. No doubt most of you are outstanding in your sections and band, but likewise, Secondary 2 is after all your streaming year. This is the time to really push yourself to be satisfied with your results at the end of the year, not to mention the practice for SYF next year. Despite any problems within the upper secondary seniors and leaders, please do not think that your seniors are not as highly-strung as you are. They themselves have problems and troubles to solve so sometimes, they might get intolerant of unnecessary behaviour during band hours so mind your manners in certain situations. Have a happy 'childhood'.
To Jacqueline:
You've been through all the band troubles with me since Secondary 3 and I will forget how much you have helped me. With Cheer, with the transition of a new instructor, with Band Investiture etc, with Beatrice as well, the three of us were indestructible. Who knows when there will ever another dream team like us again? =P
Even though we had different approaches towards solving a problem, we compromised. Even though we disagreed with certain ways of solving, we all agreed that was the best way in the end for the band to progress. In other words, we all have one Vision.
Even as we break down in front of each other, we comforted one another and pulled ourselves together. We never failed to see the vision for the Band. Even now, as sometimes we hear discerning rumours, we contact each other to find out. Leaving Zhonghua Band wasn't the end of our Band life. Although I'm not in a band right now, I still feel as much for band as you and Beatrice. I love you! Enjoy JC Life! <3 color="#33cc00">Zhonghua Band a better band than before. Never stop improving. Always look up. And never stop seeing what a band Zhonghua Band can be in the future, positively of course.
I love you all.