Monday, March 27, 2006

YoZ. SiBaO hEre 2 UpdaTe on Todae's Prac. hahahha. TodaE's CheeR PraC was A Betta 1. =) AlL oF uS weRe PuttinG LoTs Of EffoRt. Ah Gong TolD us Tt She WaS So 'Xin Wei' whEn She CouLd ActualLY hEre US cleaRy whEn shE waS stanDinG quiTe a DistanCe awaE frm Us. hahhah. The PraC starts at abT 9, n EndeD abt 2 PluS. 5-6 HrS oF pracTiCe WaS TirinG, Bt iT waS quiTe a FruitFuL 1. =) aT lEasT alL oF uS weRe BeginIng To ShouT Wif EnthusiaSm, n Most oF uS gt The acTioNs CorreCt.
ToDae's PraC waS abiT diffeRent cuZ iT Was raiNing. It StaRts n StoP agAin n Again. b4 ah GonG ReleasEd us, we HaD to MarCh in da Rain. hahha. InterestinG huh?? hahha. It Was QuiTe Fun. EverY1 IncreAseD deiR marChinG n da ActioNs Speed. hahha.QuiTe Funny ActualLy.
Mi n RJ_peipei(Yvonne) WerE lykE siaoS, RunninG in The RaiN, WheN da ReSt oF deM havinG break. hahah. We weRe lykE shooTing MtV lyke tt. hahha.
We olSo Did Sum Basic maRchinGs Todae. We weRe lykE maRchinG wiF onLy 1 Arms. hahaha. Ah Gong asK alL the MajoRs to Teach DosE sec 1s MasiC mArchinGs. hahha. Sec 1S proGresS werE nT too Bad, n deY coulD learn iT withIn a ShoRt pErioD oF tyme. =)
WheN saMueL Did The ActioNs oF da CreaTion wronGly, aH Gong 'Threatened' us, tt If We cNt makE saM do da CorreCt actioNs, we wilL haV tuH Do baSic MarchinGs Again. Den Every1 SuddenLy SloW Down The Speed, sO tt Sam Can FollOw. N we ReallY DID IT!! HAhha. Dis Is waD we CalL uNiteD. haha. althouGh dis can telL uS tt AlL oF us dun Lyke basiC marchinGs. hahha. =p
tts alL i GonA Sae 4 Todae's PraC. I HopE Sec 4s CaN RealLy C hoW we HaD put in effoRts, n we KnEw tt we WerE in da WronG lasT tyme. Wad Ah Gong saE duRing The pRac waS truE. da Sec 4s pUt in So muCh effoRts 4 uS, (lykE fionA whO dreW doSe FormatioN 4 uS) Bt We GaVe dEm a nt InteResTed attituDe. It waS realLy DishearteninG. Cum to Think aBt it, we haD RealLy Disappoint Our Sec 4s.
I dO hoPE tt We couLd Do Smth To makE deM ProUd on the 7th ApriL, n Of CouRsE to oUr Nai Ma, Who waS aLwaeS deRe SuppoRtinG us, n caRes 4 Us. =) So chEer Grp, u alL muZ JIA YOU!! MakE deM pRouD oF us, n nT disapPoinT wiF us =) ShoW dem da ResUlts!
Juz 1-2 wks More n It WilL b OveR soon, So Every1, JIA YOU!!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

YUPP !!!
Cheer members all muz jia you together ! Die together under the sun ! No la i just jking la ! AHAHA
Lets jia you and dun let the seniors look down on us , we can do it ourselves and not depend on our seniors anymore.=)

And to xinni :

Dont cry lah ! Must learn how to ren ! RMB THE WORD REN ! If one day you cannot ren le hor then cry lor ! AHA =)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hey guys,

Buck up on cheer ok! Go read the zwinds blog if you haven see yet. Look at them so smart looking rite, muz jia you . must show them we can do it! Esp . the 5 of you , always busy busy busy manage your time well and you so many time left for you do so many meaningful things. You all so must have self-discipline , learn to REN ! <- most important . Regradless how ugly its the unifrom or smart looking it is , pls bear with it for 2 more weeks. The contigent is taking up our practice so pls pls pls pls make use of the time we have do it fast and quick .

If you have no memorise your cheer pls do so or if you dun have the cheer you can ask me to send to you online via email or msn. Movement wise , you can call xinni hse or ask her online memorise it .You have to practice your movement , you can pratice anytime anywhere .For example when you are bathing ! HAHA you can practice in your bathroom if you wan . Go and rmb your steps for formation and i dun wan other seniors to see that we are doing the cheer like last yr what ELDDS did,its awful . Buck up ! =)

If you are missing the things below pls find me on monday after sch inside band room :
  1. Marching vest
  2. White long pants / marching skirt
  3. Knee length socks
  4. Black marching shoe
  5. School tie

Cheer practice will be on monday 27/3, wednesday 29/3 and saturday 30/3 next week. There is no practice this sat due to the meet the parent session so it will be held on monday instead. there will be contigent this wednesday pls go for cheer after the contigent practice.

I seriously hope that , we can show the seniors what we can do ourselves we cannot depend on them anymore. i hope you guys can show to your seniors that coming down to help for cheer either kun long , xuenan , fiona and even your peers or whoever, make them feel that it is worth it to spend time coming down to help and practice with us.
-Be true to your work, your word, and your heart.-

Monday, March 13, 2006

Band tml please fall in at 12.30 pm outside band room ! =)

Ian aka. xiao wu , his post is all under march 4 go read ! haha
Band and Cheer practice:
For band practice you can wear half sch uni or band tee.
Tuesday-Band : 1-6pm [[ Band room ]]
Wednesday-Cheer:8-12pm [[ Serangoon stadium ]]
Thursday-Band:8-1 pm [[ band room ]]
Friday - Cheer : 8-12pm
From 12 pm to 1 pm lunch break for cheer members
Friday-Band-Sectional : 1-4 pm
Saturday-Cheer :8-1pm
So rest well , for cheer bring a cap and water and dont die there ! haha Chiong all your hw today ! you will be very tired.=)
~Ah gong ~

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Well, guess who is here ?!
no one update then yi ching ask me update... lol

As for what happened thursday , i feel that we are partly at fault too.
1] Some went to the lit evening and din tell the SL so that he or she will be able to tell mr chew.

2] If you happen to have SSP or you know it last min pls sms mr chew or tell your SL or ASL .
3]Arrangement of the scores are not in order,not pasted together.Its impossible for mr chew to paste for you rite, he come in for every practice and tell you to paste and arrange but we didnt.
4]When changing of song, is there a need to talk? All you have to do its to put back the score and pull other one out, thats it.
5] Combine practice with sec 1s, i know you guys will tell your sec1s when he or she plays wrong but if you happen to be attentive, do you realise mr chew or mr mas will give us time to explain to the sec 1s. And there is no need to talk.
6] You shld know what to do for every single song and i dun have to say , i know you guys are tired and will be lazy to push but if you want a better song and dun sond so bad you have to do that so that you can bring the band to higher standard.
7]Friday sectonals , people come at 2.3pm and slack when they are having sectionals.
8] Eat before you come band and are to fall in at 2.30pm if you have ssp eat during 1,50 to 2.30 and when ssp finish or it reaches 3.30 jus tell your teacher that you have to go.
1] Tell your SL or ASL that on which day you cannot come or will be late so that he or she will be able to tell mr chew so that mr chew will also be able to plan for the practice . so SL and ASL here pls give your nos. to mr chew, if you dun have mr chew no. you get from me or any leaders.PLS state your name and where you are from eg. im so and so from zwinds and will be coming late for band because of...

2]Arrange your scores marches on the left and others on the right , paste your scores and paste form the back not one the front.SL and ASL pls check all your files and arrange it every friday .

3] keep your mouth shut unless you dun understand and have to ask a question and mr chew will give you time to tell your sec1s what to do .

4]pls do what you have to do , you know what i mean.

5]friday its the only day where you can teach your sec1s and interact with them during breaks,every thurs and tues you dun have the time to teach because you are havin a combine practice and you to keep queit during practices.You can bring your husband or wife home [ instr if you dunno.] but pls tell the QM and take good care of them, they are part of you .

If the teacher dun allow you to go after 3.30 give thousand and millon reason to go band and if he or she still dun allow ask for permission to go tell your band leader and pls tell us the teacher name also.

Although there is still many many problems to be listed but we try to slove the most basic and impt one.All of us have to put ourselves into the conductors shoes , imagine you are teaching but your students are talking and dun give a damn about you , how do you feel?Do the leaders have to tell you to keep your noise level down and they have to SHHHHHHHH!!!! every single min , every single preactice , every single hour and every single second??? NO you r suppose to be understanding and co-opreative .

Leaders are members who can express your thoughts or solution to the teacher or the conductors . they are not your maid, they are not suppose to help you to do every single thing . they are there to lead and help to communicate.

Maybe thrusday its the 1st practice that we cannot relay on our sec 4 seniors animore, we have to be independent and strong. We cannot always relay on the seniors to help, try your best and you can do it.

Mr chew finally agree to stay because we manange to gamble with him that after the marchholidays, the band will be a band with good discipline and will respect is because he feel that we talk all the time and dun give a damn abt him standing infront trying hard to bring the band to higher pls change your attitude and pls be self-disicipline.

like what ms pang says, mr chew is like a bird which flys in and make himself a home and have childrens and we are the children, but one day an animal come and hurt us but mr chew try to protect us in some way or another , we are like his childrens and he try every single way to protect us but we did not put ourselves into his shoe and one day he have no chioce but to leave .He is a good conductor and we want him back so pls understand him .
tis is the 3rd time im typing liaoz
now im gonna save in lyk word incase the dam blog reject again..........=.=
2dae ther was lit test
a complete fiascolism
i shant elaborate further
2dae there was band...
i took sec1s for marching...
whee I LOVE U GUYS MAN!!! =S
the sec1s were weird
they cant seem to stop laughing PLUS luking at me
weird huh........?
sec1s left at 5pm.......

there was woodwinds sectionals immediately after tt
n i was lyk uber tired
so yea aniwae
we plaed Alpha 07
we plaed until lyk bar 69++bar
43 to 53 were killers
they were running notex.......>.<
yea...i still cant get a part
it was lyk High A, G, F, E natural then High D
yea dam high rite.......?
they were semi still prac now even after the 2nd failed attempt to post
i kinda got it but i cant plae it veri fast....=.=
yea sectionals ended
main band started
i sat beside jason seah.....
his tuba was nice, new n shiny
i luked at mine n i juz shook my head......weird huh
aniwaehe was loud =.=
one of the horns cannot pitch
it sounded weird
then came the killing of cornets
the usual stuff
then yea band ended
Alpha 07 is kinda endangered now
i dun wan it to be closed down
it was nice
mr masree plaed it on his bass amplifier
its sounded real nice
both the amp n the sound
i wish i had the amp n the bass
but both were lyk hell expensive...
yea aniwae band ended there
i took the bus wif kun n ulric
kun was collecting newspaper
he shld haf came to my class
we had lyk 1.3m of newspaper........
ulric was showing off his magic tricks... as usual
he scratched me once trying to do one...=.=

my class gt into lit evening
i DUN wan my class to
mainly cuz im acting a GAY......=.=
yea n its uber lame n stupid

yea its stupidyay 2e3 gt a total of 64 point for field events yay e3!

tml is campn i aint very enthu abt it
i haf a premonition tt its gonna be uber lame
its lyk boring larr
y sae camping juz sae STAYING OVERNIGHT at school....=.=
i hope theres gonna be a camp fire
nt lyk last yr wher the uber lame n EMPTY kerosense bottle fell on sum stupid logs
fan below blew the red strips up
lame rite?
yea gd luk to ah gong
tml ur gonna take marching on ur own...
kk stop here
nth to rite
so i spammed the whole blog
im uber lame mann
fine.....keep my cool......retype

2dae was lit test...
a complete fiascolism
shant elaborate....

2dae was thurs...
band dae...
i took sec1s for marching....
aniwae yea...
sec1s were weird
they cannort stop looking at my face n start laughing......
weird huh...

yea i went up to dimiss the sec1s
immediately after tt i had woodwinds sectional taken by charlene
it was nice.....0.o but diff to plae...
i still can get th 5 notes......on bar 40+
its lyk high A, G, F E natural then High D larrs
all semi quavers....
die im still prac now
getiing the hang of it....

yea aniwae sectionals ended at bar 69 +++
main band
whee i sat beside jason seah.....he was loud
there was a horn hu couldnt pitch.......
then the cornet section kana gunned...
yea then the sound was bad........sheesh
endangered of gting closed down
oh btw u guys shld noe its Alpha 07 ritex...
haiz mus all jia you hor cuz SYF onli gt sec 2s n 3s
alpha 07 was nice
real nice
mr masree plae it on the bass AMPLFIER
i wan both the bass guitar n amp......=.=
nvm when i gt better i guess.?

yea tt prac ended band prac

my class gt in for lit evening
im gonna be actin a GAY
dammit ppl sae i dun nid to act
secrew them larrs

ahh i miss the sec 4s n 5s
the band sounded nice when they were around
nw the bar drop down lyk so dam uber low
kk enuff abt band

tml is sec2 camp
i haf a premontion tt its gonna be UBER lame n boring
at least the food is frm a caterer.....yay
lihua is alone tml
gd luk......

ahhh 1307 de all start posting lehhx u nehneh
all nv post de....=.=

kk zai jian
wun post until lyk
CHIAU PEEPZ updating again
eh i noe 1307 now veri free ritex....GO UPDATEor nt alwaes me damn sianz 1 u noe...
haiz band 2dae was a complete fiasco
1st i took marching wif the sec1s ALONE

aniwae when i went up
the woodwinds had sectionals taken by Charlene ALPHA 07
then yea the flutes were ok and the clarinet oso larrss....
then go in.......DIE
mr chew had sectionals wif brass
(i sat beside jason it was lyk dam loud)
yea plae plae plae then the beginning horns cannort pitch
then sianz DIE
then cornet gt slaughtered
yea then sianz.......
we may close it down larrrs
ALpha 07 was nice.......real nice

Sec2 camp 2morrow
its lyk uber boring larrs
in school
wad kinda camp
hope they tis tym haf real camp fire......
not lyk the one in sec1 OM THE FIRE WAS LYK SHYT
gd luk to ah gong tml
take sec1s alone......
sec2s aint coming for band......
for a stupid uber lame camp
nid to rewrite sia....

KK FINALLY WILL POST......yoyo sup peeps this blog is dead sia bring it back to life mann...haiz.....past weeks alort happen hor esp the lastest one wif the sec 2s n 3s wahh sian onli mannthen then on a more cheerful note still gt the rumour abt jason n lything HOR JASON????hope ur big infected toe wif tt in-grown nail towards ur nerves is getting better LOLXi will cover events of tis week...naima i kip u updatedmain events r....:

SPORTS DAE......1st march(tis is gonna be abt MIE)LOL TIME FOR MY SPACE
WHEE I GOT 1st FOR LONG JUMP!!!! 413cm
all the bad stuff sia....
1. PEI FU CHUA JIA HUI 2e3 hu went against MR YUSOFF TO THE MAXX
3. SEC 4s STEP DOWN IN BAND........haiz........gonna miss u all sia
4. MR CHEW WALKED OUT.....omg i feel sooo sry larrs then feel so guilty nv plae properly oso....then go for lit evening prac then mr chew angry......haiz....
SRY!!!!!!!yea.......that practically covers the whole of last wk...

ok BORING 2dae ther was sumthing on......but cannort tell...BAHHX