YoZ. SiBaO hEre 2 UpdaTe on Todae's Prac. hahahha. TodaE's CheeR PraC was A Betta 1. =) AlL oF uS weRe PuttinG LoTs Of EffoRt. Ah Gong TolD us Tt She WaS So 'Xin Wei' whEn She CouLd ActualLY hEre US cleaRy whEn shE waS stanDinG quiTe a DistanCe awaE frm Us. hahhah. The PraC starts at abT 9, n EndeD abt 2 PluS. 5-6 HrS oF pracTiCe WaS TirinG, Bt iT waS quiTe a FruitFuL 1. =) aT lEasT alL oF uS weRe BeginIng To ShouT Wif EnthusiaSm, n Most oF uS gt The acTioNs CorreCt.
ToDae's PraC waS abiT diffeRent cuZ iT Was raiNing. It StaRts n StoP agAin n Again. b4 ah GonG ReleasEd us, we HaD to MarCh in da Rain. hahha. InterestinG huh?? hahha. It Was QuiTe Fun. EverY1 IncreAseD deiR marChinG n da ActioNs Speed. hahha.QuiTe Funny ActualLy.
Mi n RJ_peipei(Yvonne) WerE lykE siaoS, RunninG in The RaiN, WheN da ReSt oF deM havinG break. hahah. We weRe lykE shooTing MtV lyke tt. hahha.
We olSo Did Sum Basic maRchinGs Todae. We weRe lykE maRchinG wiF onLy 1 Arms. hahaha. Ah Gong asK alL the MajoRs to Teach DosE sec 1s MasiC mArchinGs. hahha. Sec 1S proGresS werE nT too Bad, n deY coulD learn iT withIn a ShoRt pErioD oF tyme. =)
WheN saMueL Did The ActioNs oF da CreaTion wronGly, aH Gong 'Threatened' us, tt If We cNt makE saM do da CorreCt actioNs, we wilL haV tuH Do baSic MarchinGs Again. Den Every1 SuddenLy SloW Down The Speed, sO tt Sam Can FollOw. N we ReallY DID IT!! HAhha. Dis Is waD we CalL uNiteD. haha. althouGh dis can telL uS tt AlL oF us dun Lyke basiC marchinGs. hahha. =p
tts alL i GonA Sae 4 Todae's PraC. I HopE Sec 4s CaN RealLy C hoW we HaD put in effoRts, n we KnEw tt we WerE in da WronG lasT tyme. Wad Ah Gong saE duRing The pRac waS truE. da Sec 4s pUt in So muCh effoRts 4 uS, (lykE fionA whO dreW doSe FormatioN 4 uS) Bt We GaVe dEm a nt InteResTed attituDe. It waS realLy DishearteninG. Cum to Think aBt it, we haD RealLy Disappoint Our Sec 4s.
I dO hoPE tt We couLd Do Smth To makE deM ProUd on the 7th ApriL, n Of CouRsE to oUr Nai Ma, Who waS aLwaeS deRe SuppoRtinG us, n caRes 4 Us. =) So chEer Grp, u alL muZ JIA YOU!! MakE deM pRouD oF us, n nT disapPoinT wiF us =) ShoW dem da ResUlts!
Juz 1-2 wks More n It WilL b OveR soon, So Every1, JIA YOU!!!!
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