Monday, January 16, 2006

Yo this is Yi Ching posting here.
Sorry but I don't have the inclination to label myself as Nai Ma for now.

Yesterday was the SSW maiden concert.
Thanks to those who turned up.

Let's see if I can remember all those from Zwinds who came.
Get this, ZWINDS, not Zhband.

Timothy Yeo, Jia Ying, Li Hua, Fiona.
The whole 2618 brothers gang.
Xin Ni, Elaine, Rachel, Pei Jie, Li Shyuan, Yan Ling.

Okay did I miss out anyone?
Please tag to inform me and I will edit this post.

This was my primary school band, taken in the school cafeteria in the old school campus (the door in the background leads to the computer lab 1). The photo shows the entire cohort who took part in the Singapore Youth Festival 2000 Central Judging for Concert Bands (Primary), when I was Primary 5 then and played French Horn. It's pretty obvious where I am in the photo. To those who are blind, I am in the third row, extreme left. To be direct, I'm standing in front of the girl wearing school uniform and partially blocking her on the LEFT. And there is Mr. Aw, who obviously had a different hairstyle back then.

We played set piece The Crossings and choice piece The Last to Defend by David Shaffer.

Our band then was probably one the smallest ones in the entire competition but we did well for a barely-reached-the-minimum-number-of-members-needed band.

Wonder why I posted this up? I'm just feeling nostalgic and seeing that this year is the SYF again for primary schools, I really hope that Poi Ching School Band can break the Bronze medal curse.


1307 help me cheer them on!


